Friday, September 4, 2009

How Does A Motion Detector Work?

. Friday, September 4, 2009

An alarm system is a great way to provide extra protection for your home. There are plenty of options available for you to ensure your home’s safety. So don’t take chances. Protect your family with a home security system that will safeguard your most precious valuables, and the people you love.

What are they?

Motion detectors spot the movement in areas covered by the security sensors. Motion detectors transmit high frequency radio wave signals. They give a warning that someone is entering into your home.

Different kinds of motion detectors & how they work:

Infrared Sensors:

Motion detectors use infrared light to detect heat changes, i.e. when a person moves across this light it detects them with the help of the infrared sensors. If a person moves in the range of the motion sensors, the alarm is activated. Infrared sensors are cheaper than microwave sensors and ultrasonic sensors. Infrared sensors are generally smaller and very reliable.

Vibration Sensors:

It detects a person through vibration. Many car alarms have this feature to alert the owner that something has bumped into their car.

Photoelectric Sensors:

Some motion detection systems use lasers and photoelectric beams. The laser is shot across to the other side of the room or doorway. If the laser is interrupted the unit's alarm signal is activated.

Ultrasonic sensors :

They use a frequency around 30kHz. The transmitter bounces the waves of walls, furniture, windows and ceilings and when the room has stabilized, the alarm is armed.

Acoustic Sensors:

They can detect the energy produced by any kind of sound, including breaking glass. In the case of breaking glass from window intrusions, the pattern of the sound emitted is detected.

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

How Does A Fire Alarm System Work?

. Sunday, August 9, 2009

A fire alarm system alerts people in the building of a possible fire. They help protect those inside by notifying them that they need to evacuate for safety. Most fire alarm systems will also automatically notify the nearest emergency personnel so they can take care of the fire.

Fire alarms can be triggered by smoke detectors, heat detectors, or manually. They are generally set to detect levels of smoke or heat that may indicate a fire. There is a loud bell that sounds to alert those in the building. This may also come with lights that blink in case of someone who is hearing impaired. There are many models of fire alarm systems on the market. Research for which one is best can be done on the Internet or by doing a search in your local area for manufacturers. Many fire alarm systems come bundled with intruder alert systems for maximum safety and protection of your home.

There are two costs to a system. The cost of the equipment can either be purchased or leased. The system will need to be installed which may also add a one-time fee. Systems start at approximately $20.00 for basic models and range up to $2,000.00 for more sophisticated models. For home use, a basic system with monitoring is usually sufficient. These will range anywhere from $100.00 to $300.00.

Because the system will alert the local fire department, there is also a monitoring fee generally paid monthly. These are typically inexpensive and cost approximately $30.00 per month. The one time expense of the equipment, installation, and the regular payments for monitoring are a valuable investment. Considering the costs associated with fire damage or the tragedies of losing a life in a fire, the investment is well worth it.

It is important to know what to do in case the alarm goes off. Fire drills are helpful in ensuring everyone in the family knows what to do. Practice this at least annually. If there is a small fire, one person should be in charge of using a fire extinguisher while the others leave the area. For a larger fire, everyone should immediately evacuate the premises and gather at a predetermined location. Once everyone is there, a count should be taken to ensure everyone is out safely.

A fire alarm system should be tested annually to ensure it is working properly. Notify the fire department of this before testing so they do not come out needlessly. False alarms are often charged to the consumer to account for the time wasted. A fire alarm system is a valuable investment. It can help provide safety and security to your family and home.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

How Does A Motion Detector Work?

. Thursday, August 6, 2009

An alarm system is a great way to provide extra protection for your home. There are plenty of options available for you to ensure your home’s safety. So don’t take chances. Protect your family with a home security system that will safeguard your most precious valuables, and the people you love.

What are they?

Motion detectors spot the movement in areas covered by the security sensors. Motion detectors transmit high frequency radio wave signals. They give a warning that someone is entering into your home.

Different kinds of motion detectors & how they work:

Infrared Sensors:

Motion detectors use infrared light to detect heat changes, i.e. when a person moves across this light it detects them with the help of the infrared sensors. If a person moves in the range of the motion sensors, the alarm is activated. Infrared sensors are cheaper than microwave sensors and ultrasonic sensors. Infrared sensors are generally smaller and very reliable.

Vibration Sensors:

It detects a person through vibration. Many car alarms have this feature to alert the owner that something has bumped into their car.

Photoelectric Sensors:

Some motion detection systems use lasers and photoelectric beams. The laser is shot across to the other side of the room or doorway. If the laser is interrupted the unit's alarm signal is activated.

Ultrasonic sensors :

They use a frequency around 30kHz. The transmitter bounces the waves of walls, furniture, windows and ceilings and when the room has stabilized, the alarm is armed.

Acoustic Sensors:

They can detect the energy produced by any kind of sound, including breaking glass. In the case of breaking glass from window intrusions, the pattern of the sound emitted is detected.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

How Does A Security System Work?

. Thursday, July 30, 2009

Protecting your family and your possessions is important to most people. A home security system may minimize the risk of having a burglar enter your home. Studies show that criminals will avoid risky ventures and will generally stay away from homes where there is some type of security device. Most thieves case the neighborhood to determine which homes are easiest to break into and will target those before risking getting caught by disarming an alarm system. Even if a thief does access your home they are likely to leave quickly (thus taking less and minimizing damage) when an alarm is sounding.

A security system consists of a key pad, usually located near the entrance of the home and alarms that will sound when there is an alert. You arm the alarm by pushing a button. If you are leaving home, you will have a few seconds to leave before the alarm is fully functioning. If re-entering, you will have a few seconds to disarm the alarm by entering a pass code.

A security system works by a variety of different means or a combination of them. Contacts placed on doors and windows will detect when they are opened. When you are not in the home, use of motion sensors can be helpful. Your home should not have activity when you are gone, so any motion detected will signal an alarm because it is assumed there is activity where there should not be any. Glass breakage detectors will sound if an intruder forcibly breaks a window or door in your home.

A combination of these sensors is recommended for maximum protection and security. Motion sensors alone may not provide adequate security and only work after someone has already entered the premises. These may also get triggered by active pets, causing a false alarm. Most alarm systems will allow you to remove this option when you are inside the house so anyone awakening during the night will not accidentally set off the system. Another good feature to have is a panic setting. These will allow you to immediately set the alarm off in case of an intruder. A special code is often assigned for cases of kidnapping or forced entry. If a criminal forces you to disarm the alarm, you can put in the special code. This will send a silent alarm to the police, alerting them of a possible hostage incident. No alarm will sound but police will be dispatched.

For maximum security, monitored alarms should be used. This will alert police when the alarm sounds. Generally a callback will be made to determine if there is an actual problem before dispatching authorities. If nobody answers or the secret word that was assigned is not used, police will then be dispatched to investigate. Monitoring is done on a monthly basis for a small fee. It also usually requires an annual permit that can be obtained inexpensively. False alarms where police are dispatched may be charged to the customer for needlessly sending out authorities, so be sure to call the monitoring company if there is a false alarm.

Using a home security system will provide comfort to the family. Knowing you, your family, and your possessions are secure from theft and break-ins is invaluable. Security systems are inexpensive yet provide a valuable sense of security.

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How Home Security Monitoring Works


Home security monitoring does not mean that there will be 24 hour a day surveillance of your home to ensure that your home is protected from a burglar. At least it does not mean that in a literal sense but home security monitoring does provide you and your family 24 hour a day protection from burglars and in some cases, even fire. The level of protection that you receive will depend on the complexity of your home security system and the capabilities of the security provider you have chosen. The one thing in home security monitoring that is relatively similar no matter which provider or system you choose is the sequence of events that occur while the security system is in use. This article will provide a brief synopsis of how home security monitoring works.

Just about every home security monitoring system is activated as the first step in the process. Usually the homeowner pushes a button or series of buttons on the keypad to turn on the security system. This sends the message that the security system should trigger if it is breached in any way. Once this happens the various components of the home security system are activated. This may include access contacts, motion detectors, security cameras and any other components of the home security monitoring system. These components remain activated until the homeowner returns home and deactivates the home security monitoring system. Again, this is usually accomplished by typing in a series of numbers in the keypad.

If there is a breach of security, the home security monitoring system will begin a sequence of events. In most cases the first event, upon detecting an intruder, is to sound a warning alarm. This is usually a low level alarm and the intent of sounding this alarm is to allow the home owner the opportunity to deactivate the alarm when they return home. The homeowner usually has approximately 30 seconds to deactivate the alarm before the home security alarm system takes the next step.

If the alarm is not deactivated two things happen simultaneously in the home security monitoring system. A loud alarm is sounded and a message is sent to the monitoring station that there has been a breach of security in the home security monitoring system. This message reaches personnel at a 24 hour per day monitoring station who respond to this message. The first response is to contact the homeowner to determine whether or not the home security monitoring system has been breached or it was a false alarm. If the homeowner does not respond to the home security monitoring personnel and supply them with a security password, the staff will contact the local police department and send them to your address.

Home security monitoring is a precise service that has a clear path of action. Most home security monitoring companies react and proceed in a very similar fashion when a security system in their network is breached. While each home security monitoring company may have differences they all generally work in the same way.

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How Internet Predators Select Their Victims


The average pedophile will victimize between 50-150 children before he comes to the attention of law enforcement. A large and growing number of predators have gravitated towards the internet, reasoning that browsing the personal profiles children themselves post on instant message services and anonymously lurking in chat rooms is less risky and more effective than hanging around playgrounds and schoolyards. The number of predators using the internet to groom children for future exploitation rises every month.

How do internet predators select their victims? Here are some important factors:

* Almost by definition, internet predators favor children who have regular (and private) access to a computer. Most victims live in suburban or rural areas while relatively few live in inner cities.
* Internet predators gravitate towards children who are online for lengthy periods of time each day, and usually at the same time of day. Predators seek children whose schedules mesh with their own, children who are online most days during a consistent time frame. Think about it… predators have little chance to groom a child for future exploitation if that child is rarely online or is online at various times of the day. Children who do not have a lot of activities outside of school tend to be online longer and at the same times of day compared to those children who have lots of activities. These children are more often targeted by internet predators.
* Internet predators prefer children who have instant message accounts. Although some predators use email, many prefer communicating with their victims through instant messages. Predators know that while emails are saved automatically and have to be manually deleted, instant messages tend to evaporate into the ether once the instant message window is closed. Parents can keep a permanent record of instant message conversations by installing instant message monitoring software on their children’s computers. PCSentinel Software ( ) is one vendor of such software.
* Internet predators search out children who will speak to them. Again this seems self-evident, but predators are forced to pass over children who refuse to communicate with strangers they have not met offline. Teach your children never to communicate online with someone they have not met offline.
* Internet predators search out children who are vulnerable and lonely, sheltered and naive. Predators seek to develop a relationship with their targets, often posing as children or teenagers themselves, and then use that relationship to initiate sexual discussion and activity or lure the child into an offline meeting.
* Internet predators are all the more emboldened if they find out a child is from a single parent family, having trouble at school or with the law, or has been experimenting with drugs, alcohol or sexual activity.
* Internet predators search out children who post personal profiles on the internet, especially those that provide name, age, photos, gender, physical description, telephone number, address, etc.
* Internet predators favor targets who own webcams or digital cameras. Predators often coerce children into using these devices to send images of themselves to the predator. If a child does not own a camera, predators sometimes send one to their targets for the purpose of photographing themselves.
* To be successful, internet predators require children who will not terminate the relationship at the first suggestion of sexual activity. Even if a vulnerable child with few friends is uncomfortable with sexual talk, they will sometimes put up with the unpleasantness of the conversation for fear of losing their new “friend”.
* Internet predators seem to favor victims between the ages of 12-15. These are the ages where children are discovering their own sexuality and independence, and also the ages where they are most likely to be conned into meeting with a stranger without telling their parents. Younger and older children are also solicited, but as a whole tend to be harder targets.

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How safe are your possessions?


One of our basic needs is to protect our goods and valuables. How many times have we wondered: is it safe to keep my jewels or money at home? Will my kids be in danger of shooting themselves if I buy myself a gun? Will I get bankrupt if a fire starts by any chance in my office?

The need for safes appeared shortly after humankind discovered money, gold and other valuables. Until 1820 they helped only against theft, but starting in the 1840s they were designed, by using so called Wilder technology, to protect effectively against fire. The burglar resisting safe was first patented in 1835 by Chubb Safes (it is believed that they were already producing them for almost 20 years).

There is a whole highly developed industry behind safes: they are usually made of metal, are designed to be fire and environmentaly resistant and are using high tech electronics, laser-cut doors or memory recall capabilities. One of the world's largest home security providers is Sentry Safes. They offer high quality at competitive prices and in more than 70 years of being on the market they have remained faithful to the founder’s beliefs: quality, affordability and innovation.

The safes generally have two main destinations - for home or office use - and can be classified in three main types:

1) Burglary Safes – they offer protection against theft, but very little against fire. Usually they have solid metal walls and a heavy door resistant to a drilling, cutting or prying attack. Hardened resistant metals are often used to slow down attempts to break in to this safe.

2) Fire Safes – usually they are made of a thin metal double wall and have a fire-resistant insulating material between the walls. They have a minimum level of security, because they are designed to protect (especially papers) against fire. They have to maintain an internal temperature of below 200 degrees C (the point at which documents will be destroyed) .The safes provide the fire protection for either 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes. Similar to them, but a bit more effective, there are the “Data Safes” which maintain less than 52 degrees C (the point at which data media is destroyed) and also protect against high humidity, electro magnetic contamination, etc.

3) Fire / Burglary Safes - They are generally multi-purpose safes and offer good protection both against thefts and fire. They are designed like a burglary safe, but have a secondary wall inside, which contains insulation (the material that helps maintaining a low temperature).

Usually home safes are used to prevent stealing or destruction of our family's property: money, papers like receipts, contracts, personal and financial documents, jewels and sometimes other things which can be irreplaceable: photos, videos. For good protection of these valuables we need Fire/Burglary Safes. Usually, these safes are located in the floor or in the walls.

The wall safes demand a special framing and it is better to place them as low as possible because, in the event of a fire, the temperature is lower at ground level. They are very practical for those of us who value their possessions, but don't want to keep them in a bank. They are easy to install and access and they do not require special modifications of the interior or the design of the house.

When we don't have enough money to buy a professional safe it is always better to remember about diversion safes! They don't look like the typical steel safe and, although they have no protection against fire, they can discourage a potential burglar, who hasn't got the time to search the whole house.
We can use as diversion safe containers for soda pop, canned fruit, home cleaners, or even books. They have removable tops or bottoms so that we can put our goods in them, weight so that they appear normal when handled and most important, they are quite cheap compared to a normal safe.
We also don't have to forget that a gun safe is the most effective way of preventing a tragic accident at home! Usually they are made of steel and the size is according to the size of the gun you want to secure. The bigger the safe is, the more it costs. But although it will cost an extra amount of money, it's better to remember that we should diminish the risks by keeping the guns safe.
When buying a safe we have to think of its destination, how accessible it is, how many options we can get for the amount of money that we are willing to pay and how it is rated (what is its level of security against thefts, destruction). The best thing would be to hire a company that can monitor and protect your house/office and values. But when this is too expensive, safes are the next best option.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How Safe Is Your Building? Alert System Can Save Lives

. Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bombs. Armed intruders. Fires. These are real events that can threaten your safety, even your life, in the building where you work.

Experts agree that if you know what's going on and what actions to take, you have a good chance of escaping a dangerous situation. However, distributing speedy and accurate emergency information to building occupants, police officers, firefighters and emergency medical professionals is a constant challenge for building owners and managers.

In pursuit of workable, cost-effective solutions, the security industry is taking note of a new emergency alert approach known as the Immediate Response Information System, or IRIS. Activated through a special Web page or toll-free number, IRIS can reach thousands of people in a matter of seconds through the contact methods people use the most, such as home and cell phones, e-mail, digital pagers, PDAs and fax machines.

With IRIS, a uniform message, in both voice and text formats, reaches building managers, occupants and emergency responders. When it encounters busy lines or no answer, IRIS continues to redial until it makes contact. Recipients can pre-select any of 10 different language preferences.

This state-of-the-art alert system also sends important yet non-emergency information to building occupants alerting them of adverse weather conditions, building maintenance plans or changes in parking restrictions, for example. IRIS distributes these paperless messages quickly and verifies their receipt.

IRIS requires no hardware, software or system installation for setup. In the event of an emergency, people designated to send the messages can access the service from any phone or Internet-connected computer from a safe location.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

How To Buy A Spy Camera In 3 Easy Steps

. Sunday, July 26, 2009

I bet you are frustrated by the lack of information about spy cameras available on the internet. I sure was. There seams like there are just a few big companies who have blown their entire advertising budget to make a big splash. (This includes the X10 camera of the late 90s fame). Spy cameras can come in very handy to anyone who wants one (provided, of course, that they aren't used for nefarious activities). Spy cameras have tons of legitimate uses, and can come in especially useful for home security measures.
Here's how I use the internet to shop for a new spy camera.

1) Use multiple search engines to do your shopping. Just because something is featured on Yahoo doesn't mean that it is featured on Google and vice versa. A lot of the time, advertising bidders are very different on Yahoo and Google for the same keywords. Search different search engines to see different vendors selling on different sites.

2) Use specific shopping search engines like Froogle. Froogle is great because it allows the shopper to select among multiple different vendors who are selling similar products. Froogle is a shopping specific search engine that you can use specifically for your shopping needs. I've used Froogle on multiple occasions to compare and contrast the different product I'm looking for. If you can think it up, it's probably on Froogle somewhere. Spy cameras are certainly no exception.

3) Learn about the ins and outs of spy cameras. Spy cameras come in as many different forms as flavors of ice creams. You can find spy cameras that are basically disposable and spy camera systems that can cost over $1000. Learn all about them and the mistakes that people make when buying them. Points 1 and 2 above definitely can help you make a decision, however getting the real knowledge is what you will use to ensure that you get the best deal possible. Learn all about spy cameras and save yourself a bundle.

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How to choose a Home Security Camera


Surveillance cameras are being used every where these days, all the malls and almost all stores and small shops have installed surveillance cams to stop thefts and burglaries. You must have probably heard of the net of cams in the Las Vegas casinos, yes without cameras the surveillance staff won’t be 1/10th as effective.

Taking the cue from the commercial segment many companies introduced home security camera a few years back, but, back then only the rich could afford the expensive home security camera systems. However, nowadays with development of technology, as home security camera is getting cheaper more and more people are able to afford them. Yes, today even a $30 cam can be turned into a home security camera, it’s no more a rich only option.

When selecting a home security camera, make sure it can take clear pictures in the radius you want to set it up. Systems like analogue closed circuit television may run cheap but it’s not worth the money. It saves recorded coverage to tapes which are not only expensive in the long run but will also take up a lot of space.

With the advent of internet and like I said earlier, development of technology, we have cheap yet good quality home security camera available that send live feeds to the internet and save coverage at a secured location. You can either watch the feds live or browse through the saved data at any point of time. Install two-three home security camera in a room depending on how big the room is and you can watch what is going on in your house from 5 miles or 5,000 miles away.

For those on a very tight budget, there are the fake home security camera which are very much like the original ones and some even swivel on their axis like the original ones but this strategy is only effective in preventing the crime rather than catching the crime.

However, if you aren’t on a budget you should go for tiny cams which can be hidden behind or within objects and are hard to find. These cams when combined with the right software can give you the perfect home security camera system. On the other hand if you want to make it clear to the burglars that your house is not a good choice, install a large cam, a must do for people installing fake cameras, at a location where it can easily be seen.

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How to Choose Guard Dogs for Home Security


There are various burglary alarms and home surveillance systems available, designed to help you protect your home. Although they are good in their own rights, nothing compares to an old fashioned guard dog. Guard dogs have been used for generations – to help people protect their homes and their belongings.

For many years, guard dogs have helped to scare off burglars and thieves. Although most have gotten used to dogs now days, nothing fends off a thief more than a vicious dog grabbing his ankle and clamping down. Almost all guard dogs have serious bites and can seriously injure a burglar. Guard dogs are trained to protect one’s home – and they will do so no matter what.

When you get a guard dog, you should always make sure that you let him know who is safe to be around your home. You don’t want the dog to be vicious towards everyone, as friends and family are certainly allowed to be around your home. Most guard dogs are left outside of the home, with some deciding to keep them indoors. Indoor dogs are great, as they will instantly catch a burglar the second he decides to break into your home.

If you plan to keep your guard dog indoors, you should always have a supply of food and water available, as he will be there when you aren’t. You will also need to give him access to an outdoor area as well, so he can use the bathroom. A fenced in yard is an ideal place for a guard dog to go outside, as he can come and go as he pleases. Sometimes, a burglar will try and sneak around the back entrance – which is where giving a guard dog outside access can really come in handyBefore buying the dog, you should always carefully research the species and where you plan to get your dog from. Police dogs or dogs that have been trained for protection are ideal, as they already know how to defend things. Dobermans and Pit Bulls are great for protection as well, simply because they are well known for being very vicious.

If you carefully research your options and get your guard dog from a reliable source, you shouldn’t have much of anything to worry about. You should never get your dog from a lesser known or poor source, as the dog may be poorly trained or not in good health. A guard dog can be a great addition to any home – providing you get a dog in good health and more than capable to fend of burglars.

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How To Choose The Right Home Security System


Depending on the money you have and the neighborhood you are living in, you have probably wondered how to choose the right home security system. This is indeed a tough question and hopefully by the end of this small guide you will at least have a hint.

The first step to choosing the right home security system is to put yourself in the role of a villain. Look at your home with some evil eyes. Where would you make your entry point - through the window, the back door, or the basement perhaps? Imagine the most probable route that a thief might choose. This will help you establish the weak points in the security system. One of the best ways to ward off potential burglars is simply to place alarm signs and decals on the premises. These will make the potential burglar think twice about attempting a break-in.

A good strategy to provide a relatively cheap, yet effective home security system is to leave a seemingly unguarded path. Typically the villain will choose it. This area should be guarded in a more subtle way. For example, if you leave a backdoor “unprotected” you could install a motion detector that emits a loud sound when activated. The key here is to leave the potential thief a way out, so you avoid confrontation and possible personal endangerment. The typical scenario would involve him almost feeling that he succeeded and then right before the entry point he would have a very nasty surprise which will make him run away in a panic.

Unfortunately though, the above strategy might not always work. This is why additional security installations should be installed. Depending on the budget you have available, you can choose from quite a large array of alternatives. These can involve the installation of security cameras, door alarms, glass break detectors and even photoelectric beams. No matter what your choice is, you should never leave anything to chance. Thieves do not always follow the easiest path. If they are skilled in detecting home security systems and overriding them, you might be in for some real trouble. The trick lies in setting up redundant home security installations to make them feel overwhelmed and not so sure about their success.

These are just a few general guidelines to determine how to choose the right home security system. Depending on your specific circumstances and the specifics of the area you are living in, you might feel that the security measures must be tightened or relaxed. Regardless of the condition, you must always be prepared for the worst. The fact remains, crime is on the rise and there are no signals that this trend will decrease. If you are still unsure about what security systems to choose, let a security expert help you by doing a detailed evaluation of your needs. After all, your family and home are much too important to leave to chance.

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How to Find the Best Home Security Products


As more and more people are getting aware of the importance of securing their houses by using the various home security products different companies are launching new home security products everyday. It’s a new market, yet the number of options available in each category of home security products can be overwhelming for the starters. Well, here is some good news, this article was written just for you and it summarizes some of the best home security products which you could use to make your house a safer place and reduce chance of burglaries and break-ins.

The best, and sometimes most effective home security products in preventing burglary, is just a signboard saying that your house is protected by this and that securitization system. Such a strategy is not effective in catching the criminal but researchers found it to be very effecting in preventing a crime in the first place. Most of the home security products generally come with such a signboard but they are mostly small or may not be visible in the background of your house, so you might consider buying one specially customized for your house. A similar product is the dummy camera for those on a tight budget. Installing a dummy camera on a very visible location outside your house might discourage the burglars right away as they might not want to risk entering your camera protected property.

Preventive measures are good for “preventing” but sometimes the preventive home security products aren’t just good enough so you’ll need some actual home security products to completely safe guard your house. Alarms and cameras are the most commonly used home security product today, the two can be used separately or together for enhanced safety. Alarms generally go off when someone tries to force entry through windows or doors, make sound and try to attract your neighbor’s attention, while some can be linked with an alarm monitoring system which can notify the authorities after a routine check for accidental alarm.

For those who can afford high end products and need additional safety there are home security products like talking devices, master control panel, sensors, motion detectors, key pads, back up power supply for the home security products and so on.

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How To Get Rid Of Raccoons


Many of you know that raccoons are known to adapt very easily to a changing environment that is why many people have problems with the damages caused by these creatures. Raccoons have inherited a bad habit: they vandalize garbage cans, fish ponds and also your very own kitchen pantry due to the fact that many houses ( especially in United States ) have a pet door which for a raccoons is like an invitation.

Besides this, raccoons invade attics, chimneys, porches and other similar locations, not to mention that the cities and suburbs offer these creatures a developed underground roadway system for those intelligent animals who use these storm sewers. These raccoons not only invade your privacy but also they cause damage, for example, they can get into crops or just by simply occupying your chimney they make annoying little sounds that eventually will drive you crazy.

The first thing you should do is to find out if you are truly having problems with raccoons because many people have the tendency to affirm that raccoons are the one’s to blame for the damages but in reality, the one’s who should be blamed for causing these problems are dogs, cats or other “friendly” animals.

If you don’t have the possibility to observe these animals directly the best thing you could do is to identify their tracks. In order to do this you should use the following : flour, nontoxic powders and also cornstarch, these will help you to check out footprints on hard surfaces. A useful tip : raccoons which use chimneys or attics usually begin to make noise when it is getting darker and they stop doing this in the morning, when the sun makes its appearance. The sounds that raccoons make when they are moving can help you detect them more easily. Also, if you hear purring noises then you should know that young cubs are present. Usually, you will hear these noises when their mother comes back to the den.

A wise thing you could do if you have problems with raccoons is simply wait; in other words, many of the problems made by raccoons ( for example: occupation of a building ) resolve themselves within a few weeks or if you are lucky, in a few days. If cubs are also causing you problems then you should know that they won’t leave your attic until they are nine weeks of age because until then, they can’t take care of themselves so they won’t venture in an unknown environment where they will be helpless.

When it comes down to chimneys and attics if yours is uncapped then raccoons will probably use it for denning but also for giving birth and raising cubs. If you assume that after a while they will leave, the best thing you should is that you might try using some harassment techniques so that you could “hurry” their departure. Also, you might as well leave the attic lights on or place a radio tuned to a talk-show and leave it a high volume.

Once you are certain that you got rid of all the raccoons, the first thing you should do is install an approved chimney cap so that in the future, raccoons won’t be able to invade your privacy. A very important note is that you shouldn’t use fire or smoke to make the animals come out of the chimneys because by doing so, you will most likely kill the youngsters as they aren’t able to evade on their own.

When it comes down to yards and gardens, in order to discourage garbage vandalizing you should place cans at the curb when the day of garbage pick-up has arrived. Another thing you could do is that you should secure the lids using bungee cords or weights. Don’t forget that raccoons are often attracted by birdseed and suet and they usually cause a lot of damage to garden fruits and also vegetable gardens , especially corn and grapes. Garden vandalizing will often occur when the foods are ready to be picked so you should be more attentive during those periods.

All in all, raccoons can cause a lot of problems so some safety precautions should be taken in order to avoid these problems which can become very annoying if ignored for a longer period of time.

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How to keep your home safe when you are away


We all want to make sure that our homes are protected and safe while we are away for the day or for any extended period of time. There is no way to know for sure if something is going to happen while we are gone. The only thing that we can do is prepared for out homes to stay safe while we are not there. There are a few things that we can do in order to provide safety for our homes.

One way is to tell our neighbors that we trust about not being home. It is very important that we only tell the neighbors that we have trust in and that we know about being gone. We have to be confident enough that they will look out for our home and take care of it while we are away. Tell them to check on the pets and plants while you are gone as well. This will make it look like someone is their taking care of things. They can also gather the mail and the newspaper everyday as well. This will keep potential prey thinking someone is home.

You can also tell the local police department if you are going away for an extended period of time. Tell them the dates that you will be gone and ask them to patrol the home every once in a while. This is good especially if you live in a secured area.

You always want to make sure that the doors and the windows are always locked when you leave to go anywhere. Do not make it easy for an intruder to get inside your home. Keep things secure and well protected with good quality locks that will be tough for anyone to pass by.

You will also want to make sure that everything is secure inside the home too. If you are just leaving for the day, make sure that lights are off and anything electrical if turned off as well. If you are leaving for a few days, you may want to turn the water main off in the home as well as the hot water heater too. This will protect your home from an unexpected breaks or leaks that can occur at any given time. You do not want to come home to the surprise of having a flood in your home.

Check all doors in your house that lead to the outside or into a garage. These should be metal or solid wood and at least 1.75” thick. Be sure door frames are secure and cannot be taken apart easily. Make sure doors fit into frames without gaps. Even with strong locks, good burglars can get into your house if your doors or doorframes are weak.

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How to Keep Your Home Secure Without Spending a Dime


Your home is your castle, and your family your greatest asset, so you want to keep everything safe. But if you've priced home security systems lately, you might have felt your bank book cringe.

I'm not going to tell you not to buy an alarm system, but if you're not at a point where you can invest thousands of dollars, and you just want to do a few things to make your home safer, this article is for you.
I'm going to give you a list of tips you can use to make your home safer without spending any money.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that burglars are lazy. Like most people, they want the highest reward with the least possible risk and effort. The more challenging you can make your house appear, the more likely the burglar is to pass on by and pick on somebody else (or--let's hope--go away altogether). So, how do you make your home appear secure without screeching alarms, video surveillance cameras, barbed wire fences, and a yard full of Dobermans?

Here are your tips:
Trim shrubs back from doors and walkways (this ensures would-be thieves don't have any shadowy nooks to hide in).

Lock your storage shed and don't leave tools out in the yard (burglars can use ladders, shovels, etc. to gain access to your home).

Keep the lawn mowed and the exterior of the house maintained (a downtrodden appearance can suggest you are away from home a lot or that you just don't care enough to worry about your house).

Plant thorny shrubs beneath first-story windows (if you wouldn't want to climb through a tangle of thorns to reach an open window, chances are a burglar won't either).

If an outdoor light burns out, change it right away.
Don't display your valuables conspicuously (i.e. huge plasma TV on a living room wall that is visible from the street), as this only tempts thieves.

When you make new purchases (such as said plasma TV), don't leave the boxes by the curb to announce your valuable acquisitions--break boxes down and stuff them in your recycling bin.

Don't store house keys under the doormat, a rock, etc. (thieves are wise to all the tricks--if you always lose your keys, consider a fingerprint activated lock instead).

Keep tree branches trimmed back from windows and your roof.
Make sure the garage doors are sturdy (no loose panels or damaged corners), especially if the garage is attached to the house.

Check your garage door opener if you haven't changed it from the factory setting. There's usually a row of 10-12 switches. If all except one is pointing the same direction, the combination is easy to break (the thief has a 1 in 10 or 1 in 12 chance of getting it).

Always shut and lock your doors when you leave the house.
Hopefully these tips will help you make your home less of a target. Remember, home security is as much a matter of employing common sense as it is a bunch of expensive gadgets and gizmos.

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How to Make Your Apartment Safe


There are special dangers involved with apartment living. This is because you live so close to many other people. Their actions can jeopardize your safety and so it’s very important for you to be aware of what you must do to safeguard yourself, your family and your possessions.

Fire Safety . . .

Fire is perhaps the greatest danger in apartment buildings. With so many units joined together, it doesn’t take long for fire to spread from one to another. The following guidelines are critical to your safety:

• Install smoke detectors in the kitchen, all bedrooms, the laundry area and hallways. You must test them every month and replace the batteries every 6 months. They won’t do you any good if they aren’t in working order.

• Keep fire extinguishers handy in the kitchen, laundry area and near your outside grill.

• Develop an escape plan. This plan should include two ways of exiting – in most cases, this will probably include the main door and either a window or door wall. If you live on a higher floor and don’t have access to a fire escape, purchase a rope ladder to use for exiting from windows or a balcony. Practice your escape plan regularly so each member of your family knows exactly what to do in case of fire.

• Never use an elevator during a fire.

• Never park in front of fire hydrants or in fire lanes and make sure your guests don’t either.

General Safety . . .

Fire isn’t the only danger in an apartment building. You must also be aware of hazards that can exist no matter where you live and take precautions to prevent them.

• Install a carbon monoxide detector.

• Install screen guards or window stops and doorstops on your patio door to protect your children from falling.

• Keep your apartment and building number near the telephone so your family or babysitter can access it in case of an emergency. Remember that memories can fail during emergencies.

• Make certain your apartment number is clearly marked on your door.

• Be sure that each person in your family knows how to dial 911.

Protecting from Intruders . . .

There are many people coming and going in an apartment complex. Criminals count on this anonymity. That makes it very important to get to know the other tenants. When you do, not only are you better able to identify someone who doesn’t belong, it also makes it more likely that tenants will look out for one another.

• Consider forming an “apartment watch”. This is similar to a neighborhood watch but confined to your apartment complex. If a group of tenants is on the alert for suspicious behavior, they can prevent many problems from arising.

• Install quality deadbolt locks on your door and place a wooden rod or steel brace on sliding doors. One caution about deadbolt locks – don’t purchase those that require a key. In an emergency, you won’t have time to search for the key.

• Make sure your landlord has installed good lighting in all stairways, hallways, and common areas like the laundry room.

• Make sure that if your building has a common entry, the entry door locks so that only tenants can enter. Never open that door for strangers.

If you follow these guidelines, practice good common sense, and are alert to what’s going on around you, your apartment will provide a safe home for you and your family.

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How To Save Money When Buying A New Home Security System


I am sure that if you’ve decided to purchase a home security system, by now you must be utterly confused. The prices seem to vary a lot even for the very same device. This guide complements our guide called “How to Choose the Right Home Security System” and will help you make the right decision based on your needs.

If you are an average homeowner, then I strongly recommend purchasing a security kit. These offer the standard protection against common intruders and have proved their effectiveness time and time again. In the security systems industry, it is not the systems themselves that cost a lot but rather the customization. Just like buying a ready-made bicycle, it is far cheaper to buy it as-is than to select the individual components you want the bicycle to have and have everything put together. Security kits excel in providing a reliable standard for a do-it-yourselfer. Because these systems involve the bundling of multiple systems, you can expect a hefty discount. Who said that security must be expensive? The security kits demolish this myth and allow do-it-yourselfers to install and have a quality home security system.

There is another way of cutting back costs. I am introducing this method in this guide precisely because at some time you will no doubt feel attracted by it. I am talking here about the price leverage you will get from choosing a lesser known brand (or no-name brand) instead of a more well-known brand. This is not something I recommend. Those companies with strong brands have invested heavily in building up their reputation through well-made products.. What you have here is a distinctive difference in quality. So if you plan on buying a cheaper system from a no-name brand which manufactures its products in South East Asia… I strongly advise against it. In the long-term you will realize that the money saved wasn’t worth it. Why save a couple of dollars only to have a false sense of security? It is far better to invest a little extra now than to risk your home, the safety of your family as well as your own when intruders break-in later.

But perhaps the single, most effective method of deciding what security measures are appropriate and cost effective for your home or business is to hire a security consultant. Believe me when I tell you that the money spent on their services will actually help you cut down costs, either by suggesting the right and appropriate security installations or by detailing the weaknesses in the system. It is more than a low price that you should aim for; your goal should be to obtain an effective security system.

I hope that this guide to saving money on a home security system has put you on the right track. Remember that you must strive to achieve a balance of maximum benefits and protection while keeping the costs at a minimum.

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How To Secure Your Home With Surveillance Cameras


Securing your home in case of emergencies such as thieves and other intruders is a good idea, no matter whether you live in a stand alone home or an apartment. One of the easiest ways to protect your premises is to use surveillance cameras, strategically placed around your home based on the amount of space you have. These systems can be purchased with as many cameras as you might need, and are available in wireless or wired formats.

For most home surveillance equipment users, wireless models will be the way to go. They are easy to hook up and easy to mount, and you will cut down on the amount of floor space used by tangle-prone wires. The signal for wireless cameras will be sent to a receiver, which will be hooked up to whatever equipment you are using to monitor the premises.

How many cameras you buy will depend, of course, on the size of your home or if you have anything of particular value in a specific room. If you want maximum security, you will want to mount cameras on the entrances to your living space, including the windows, as well as the garage and driveway, at a minimum. Additional rooms containing valuable equipment or pieces of furniture should also have a mounted camera for added security.

All the security cameras in the world are useless, of course, without a monitoring system. You need to decide if your security camera system is to be utilized in the prevention of theft or to assist in the recovery of property. Most thieves and other criminals will be deterred by the mere sight of a camera on the premises, despite movie depictions of crack shot take-outs of security cameras. The mere presence of the camera, then may serve to protect your home.

If maximum security is what you require, then you or someone you know will need to be monitoring your system throughout the day. Larger homes of wealthy families may be able to employ security guards around the clock, but for most of us the purpose of the surveillance equipment will be to aid in recovery. Make sure that your monitoring equipment is always on and that you either reset the tape manually or have the system set to reset itself.

Home surveillance equipment can do nothing to prevent loss of property on its own. Without proper utilization and monitoring, your surveillance equipment is only a drain on your resources. Take the time to install your cameras properly, checking the angel to make sure they cover all of the points of entry or objects you want watched to a high degree in terms of parameters. Cameras which track motion or otherwise can swing to encompass a wide area are great options, although they may give the location of the camera away. Again, however, it is important to remember that most ne’er do wells will be deterred from their sinister purposes towards your property by simply being aware that the cameras are there.

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How well are your valuables protected from fire?


Whether you are a business tycoon or a reasonably rich person with a kitty of valuable possessions, you sure do not want them destroyed by a fire or stolen by someone who probably does not value them as much as you do. On the other hand, what you want to protect may not be your hobby but official documents, jewelry and the like.

In both of the above cases, some means or another probably already protects your valuables. However if you have decided on buying a safe to protect your valuables from fire because you think your prized possessions have increased in number and value then read on to get an idea of the options available to you.

You also have to keep in mind that no amount of protection can last indefinitely. What this means is in the event of a fire in your home or office there is a certain period during which a safe can keep your valuables from being destroyed in the fire!

Heat Intensity in a Fire
Now when you go searching for a safe one thing to keep in mind are the fire ratings of the safe. Do not be fooled by claims of safes that are expensive because they provide protection at very high temperatures.

Average house-fire temperatures are in the range of 1200°C, so if the sales person claims to give better protection at higher temperatures he is probably telling you the specification of the heat resistant lining of the safe or the temperature range of fire endurance tests that safes are put through!

Protection Ratings
Protection ratings are nothing but the temperature and time for which the safe will provide safety in the event of a disaster. The general ratings are 1200 degrees for 20 minutes to 1700 degrees for 1 hour. More expensive cement fire safes can provide up to a 2-hour rating however, they weigh twice as much as the normal home or office safe.

Basic safe types according to their location

Wall safes
These are embedded into a wall preferably into a thick wall to avoid the safe from protruding out at the other end of the wall, which obviously will make it visible! And if it is imperative that you install your safe into a thinner wall then you can install it so that there is a cabinet on the other end hence concealing the safe.

Floor safes
These as the name suggests are installed into the floor of your home or office.
Now unless these are installed in your den or basement they are in danger of falling through the floor once the floor material has collapsed due to fire.

Therefore, the ideal place to install your safe would be at the lowest point in your home and the most exterior, not only because it is less likely to fall through but also because the intensity of heat during a house fire is less concentrated in this area.

Size of the safe
The size of the safe you want to buy will depend on the number of valuables that you want to store and their collective size. You also have to consider future possessions and collectibles because a safe is not something you will buy repeatedly as your collection increases. It is also not economical to buy one all the time meaning safes are quite an expensive commodity owing to the fact that they are made to protect your valuables that are important to you!

Another point to consider while deciding the size is its location in your home! I mean if you do not have enough space to accommodate a big safe it does not make sense buying a one that big right! Moreover, if you have decided on installing it in the bedroom or family room it cannot be too large lest it spoil the interiors! For a big safe the garage or basement is good place.

Thickness of the safe
By the term thickness of the safe, it means the thickness of the safe walls. The sizes available are from 14 gauge thick steel to ¼-inch steel thickness. Now the thickness again depends on you. In the event of a fire, it is not the thickness of the steel but the quality of the fire protection lining that is important because that is what will protect your documents and other valuables from being charred!

Certifications in the UK
Certification of a product by national and international standards gives the customer the satisfaction that what they are buying ensures high quality and reliability.

Some European standards that safe manufacturers adhere to are as follows

Serial numbering by the ECB•S – for the identification of manufacturers and the prevention of unauthorized use as well as they are in accordance with ISO 9000 (EN ISO 9000).

EN-1047-1 and VDMA 24991Means that the safe is tested against fire according to the European standard EN-1047-1. Thereby today’s and future demands for fire protection is achieved. It is the most complete test with production control, certification, drop test, remaining heat etc.

Fire protection P = for paper documents Means that the safe is tested to protect all paper based documents against fire. The end temperature must not exceed 175ºC. The fire class is stated in 60P, 90P alt. 120P which means that the contents in the safe remains intact in 60, 90 alt. 120 minutes.

Fire class DIS = for all types of data media
Means that the safe is tested to protect the most heat sensitive data media in a fire. The end temperature must not exceed 55ºC. The fire class is stated as S60DIS alt. S120DIS and means that the contents in the safe remains intact in 60 alt. 120 minutes.

Another important factor to consider is the warranty on your safe in case it is damaged in the event of a fire or break-in. You will not wish to spend more money on buying a brand new safe after incurring so much loss!

Most safe manufacturers provide warranties in the event of a disaster; however, this excludes the freight costs. However if your safe is insured you can claim the freight charges from your insurance company, for which you will have to get in touch with your insurance firm.

Therefore, when you go safe shopping if you have at least some idea of what you are looking for you can expect to get a good deal on protecting your valuables!

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How You Should Prepare Your House For A Hurricane


Preparing your house for a hurricane is very important, and it does not need to be a difficult task when done properly. Most of the things that are important for protecting your home can be done in advance so you have everything you need when a storm comes your way.

The most important thing to have for any home is window protection. Windows are the weakness of any structure, but they do provide the light that is necessary for everyday living. Plywood is the easiest way to cover any basic window. It is inexpensive and easy to store away. You can simply nail it to the outside of your house to cover any windows, however there are many other ways to ensure protection in fierce winds. You can install brackets for holding the plywood. The brackets screwed into the structure to insure ample strength and they offer a quicker way to secure your house in an emergency.

Another great option to protect your home is with storm shades. They are a strong metal shade that rolls down over a window to protect it. They can easily be added to any existing home or be built into the exterior walls of a home under construction. They can be raised and lowered manually or be controlled by a electric motor. Either way, they are both just as effective against storm damage.

They have become the standard window protection for any waterfront home because of the constant ocean winds. The storm shutters are not very cosmetically appealing, but when they are installed with new construction homes, the appearance is minimized. Many condo structures include them when they are constructed because they offer such great protection. Besides just storm protection, the shutters offer great heat and light protection. Shutters can be automated to close during the day so that your home receives less sun exposure. This will keep summer electric bills at a lower cost as well as offering criminal protection during the day. When shades are closed at night they also offer the criminal protection and will block the morning sun in any room desired. Storm shutters are common in many countries for their versatile uses, and are becoming more popular in the United States every year.

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Identify theft. What is it and how do you protect yourself from it?


What is identity theft?

Identity theft is when a person steals personal information, such as the name, address, birth date, Social Security number or mother's maiden name from another person in order to commit fraud. The thief then uses this information to impersonate the victim and take over their financial identity.

With a relatively small amount of information criminal can taking over banking, insurance or investment accounts, open new bank accounts, purchase automobiles, apply for loans and credit cards, receive Social Security benefits, rent apartments, and even establish utility and phone company services, all under the stolen identity.

How do identity thieves get personal information?

While there is much in the media about internet based identity theft, there are lots of ways your personal information can be stolen, many of them much easier than internet theft.

-Stealing your wallet, purse, or checkbook.
-Removing mail from your mailbox, both incoming or outgoing.
-Going through your trash to find statements and receipts.
-Phishing - Obtaining information by email scams or fraudulent websites.
-Hacking – Illegally gaining access to a computer where personal information is stored.
-Social Engineering- Simply tricking the victim into giving out personal information

Who is an identity thief?

Contrary to what many people think, identity thieves are not always sinister villains looking for victims. In fact, many studies show that a significant portion of identity theft actually occurs by people the victim knows and trusts.

-Opportunity criminals who ‘chance’ upon your personal information
-Organized criminals who actively seek victims
-Husbands and wives who use their spouse's information to open accounts to take money
-A person you meet at a party who has lots of questions about your personal life
-Parents who use a child’s identity
-Children who use a parent’s identity
-Housekeepers, contractors or others who have access to your home

How do I protect myself from identity theft?

By taking a few precautions you can limit the opportunity for an identity thief to steal your personal information.

Safeguard and protect your personal information

-Don’t carry important documents such as Social Security cards, passports, or birth certificates in your purse or wallet. Keep important documents in a safe place at home or in a safe deposit box at the bank. Only carry them when you need them.
-Shred any receipts, financial statements, documents, or bank statements, including credit card bills, before disposing of them.
Immediately report lost or stolen checks immediately to your bank or other financial institution.
-Immediately report lost or stolen debit or credit cards.
-Always store checks in a safe place including cancelled ones. Ask your bank if they will store your checks instead of returning them in the mail.
-Store any account numbers in a safe place and don’t write down passwords for internet sites that contain personal information such as internet banking sites.
-Reconcile your banking statements regularly and consider using your bank’s internet banking service to monitor your accounts regularly. Studies show that identify theft is caught quicker and is less costly by victims who use check their accounts regularly.
-Remove mail from your mailbox as soon after delivery as possible. When mailing bills and credit card payments, take them to a post office or place them in a secure, official U.S. Postal Service collection box.
-Consider using an internet banking service to pay bills since even if there is a loss your bank may be obligated to refund your losses. Be sure to check your bank’s terms and conditions.
-Promptly notify your bank and other creditors when you move or change your phone number or email address.
-Contact creditors if your regular bills do not arrive when expected.

Don’t give away your personal information

Careless conversations can be the best source of identity theft. Make sure you don't make yourself a victim by giving away your confidential information.

- Don't give out personal information, such as your Social Security number or account numbers, over the telephone unless you initiated the call and you know with whom you are dealing.
-If you receive any telephone calls asking for personal information don’t give out personal information until you can verify to the call is legitimate. A good way to do this is to call the customer service number printed on your statement.
-Confirm why personal information is needed before giving it out and even then only give out what is absolutely necessary.
-Register your home and cell phone numbers with the Federal Do Not Call Registry to reduce some unsolicited calls.

Review your credit report regularly

Your credit report shows most accounts and balances opened using your information. Accounts that you can’t recognize or that have unexplained balances could be signs that your identity has been stolen.

-Review your credit report from the three major agencies at least annually to confirm there were no unauthorized credit inquiries made or accounts opened in your name.
-Consider using one of the credit report monitoring services offered by the major credit reporting agencies.
-In the US you are eligible for a free copy of your credit report under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act). The FACT Act requires the three major credit reporting agencies to provide consumers with a free copy of their own credit report each year.

To obtain a free credit report contact:
Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta , GA 30348-5281

What do I do if I think I am a victim of Identity Theft?

-Immediately contact the fraud division of the credit reporting agencies and request that a "fraud alert" be placed in your file. Ask that no new credit be granted without your approval.
-Notify the Social Security Administration by calling 1-800-772-1213.
-Notify all of your creditors of the fraud.
-File a report with your local law enforcement authority.
-Report the fraud to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at 1-877-438-4338. The FTC is the clearinghouse for identity theft complaints. They provide information to help resolve financial problems that result from identity theft.
-The FTC provides an ID Theft Affidavit which you should complete as soon as possible after you become aware of the fraud. Completing this affidavit can help protect you from responsibility for fraudulent charges on your accounts.
-Keep detailed records of all events once you determine that your identity has been stolen. Include names, telephone numbers, and the date and time you made contact with individuals or companies requesting assistance in recovering your good name.

While no one can be completely safe from Identity theft, simply taking the time to safeguard your information reduce that likelihood. You can also significantly reduce the amount of time and money you spend to recover your identity if you are prepared before you become a victim.

Aubrey Jones is President and founder of Riverbank Consulting, Inc. Since 1996 he has worked to protect internet banking clients for one of the top US financial institutions.

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Insurance In The Form Of A Swimming Pool Safety Fence


Have you installed a swimming pool safety fence or are you going to employ full time lifeguards to supervise your children in the pool this summer? Think of how many kids converge on your home when the weather heats up and how easy it is to court danger and consider the level of peace of mind you want for yourself and your family. A swimming pool safety fence is the only answer.

What could possibly go wrong?

Without a swimming pool safety fence, you leave yourself wide open for a list of realities that you could face. Drowning is the second highest cause of accidental injury-related deaths in children aged fourteen or younger. In the few seconds it takes to turn hamburgers on the barbecue or dash inside for more cold drinks, a child can die. You may or may not hear a splash, but even if you do, it could possibly be too late.

All water activities should be placed behind your swimming pool safety fence. Spas, Jacuzzis, wading pools and buckets are best kept out of harm’s way.

Homeowners’ liability insurance protects you from the legal ramifications of an accident, but a swimming pool safety fence will protect everyone who is invited to your home from becoming a victim of drowning.

Is a fence enough?

Perhaps; perhaps not. It depends on the layout of your yard, the accessibility of the yard from inside the house, whether there are rocks, tables or chairs that can be climbed on to facilitate entry over the fence, and any number of other elements. A swimming pool safety fence should be at least five feet high, and should not be climbable. No opening should be more than four inches wide, so that children cannot squeeze through. Audible alarms can be installed so that you will hear if someone is entering through the gate. The closures on self-closing and self-latching gates and doors around the pool must be situated beyond a child’s reach and all gates should open outward. You can even install pool safety covers for added protection. Having a phone connected near the pool is another way of ensuring help is never far away. You might also like to erect a sign displaying CPR techniques, and point it out to all who use the pool.

When all’s said and done, a swimming pool safety fence is the best physical protection you can provide against child drowning, but adequate supervision is also a must. As a swimming pool owner, it is your responsibility to provide a safe, healthy environment for your own family and for people who come into contact with the pool. Be vigilant for everyone’s sake.

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Intruder Alarms Don't Worry Burglars!


Professional Burglars claim an intruder Alarm does not put them of.

A recent survey has found that intruder alarms do not present any difficulty to professional burglars; the reason is because homeowners often forget to set the intruder alarm or fails to lock their doors and windows properly. Despite the many improvements in home security systems if homeowners fail to use them properly there is little benefit achieved.

Almost half of the persistent burglars interviewed for a recent survey said they believed home security has improved over the last 10 years but they also felt that the improvements would not be enough to stop them breaking in. Only 20% of those surveyed said that a good security system was the most common reason they abandoned an attempted break-in, 40% said being disturbed by the homeowner was the main cause of them giving up a break-in attempt and 40% of those surveyed said they would be put off if there was a noisy dog on the premises.

67% of those surveyed said they always followed the same pattern of searching a house once they are broken in, normally starting in the main bedroom, because this is the usual place that valuables are hidden, they then cover the remaining bedrooms and the main living room, this has proved to be the most efficient way of finding valuable possessions. One interesting fact that emerged from research conducted with burglars currently serving jail sentences was that they consider children's rooms to be the least profitable to search.

The average time that a housebreaking takes is as little as 20 minutes, the average age in which the first burglary was committed was 13, and two thirds of burglars prefer to work alone. Almost all professional burglars go out with the intention of committing an offence, that is to say it is planned rather than opportunistic though obviously if a ripe target presents itself they will take that opportunity to steal.

The main motivation to commit housebreaking is as one would expect money, over 80% of those surveyed cited this as their major motivation, they would search for a suitable target judging the potential value of that home by the type of car on the drive, any obviously valuable items that can be seen through the windows, the amount of cover that was provided by such things as fences or trees, the presence of an intruder alarm or dog, and signs of owner occupation.

It should be noted that most of those surveyed said that even though they were not put off by an intruder alarm they would normally move on to an easier target if one was available, also one has to take into consideration the bravado of the people being surveyed, do remember they were all convicted burglars serving time in prison at the time of the survey.

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Is a Dummy Home Security Camera Economical?


A home security camera is one way to protect your home against would be burglars. A home security camera system is essentially one or more small cameras that are mounted, usually, on the exterior of your home to deter would be burglars. A home security camera typically works in conjunction with a home security system. In many cases the home security camera is activated by motion and can swivel to begin filming in the direction in which motion is detected. The home security camera will transmit the images that it views to a monitor where it can be viewed and recorded. Purchasing a home security camera for several locations on your property and the monitoring and recording equipment can be quite expensive. A home security camera has been proven to be an effective burglary deterrent and for these reasons some homeowners opt for a dummy home security camera to deter burglars without the high price of a real home security camera.

The question, however, is whether or not a dummy home security camera can really be an effective way to protect your home from burglary. There really is no simple answer to this question. A dummy home security camera that is very convincing and can be difficult to distinguish from a real home security camera might be effective. The more the dummy camera looks like the real thing, the more likely it is to fool burglars. The problem with this is that the more realistic the dummy security camera looks, the more expensive it will be. The price may still be lower than a real camera but it may be close enough in price that a real home security camera might be a better option. There are many dummy home security cameras that can be purchased for very little money but when the price is lower so is the quality of the replication. A dummy home security camera that is clearly a fake will not be effective when it comes to deterring burglars.

For many determining whether or not a dummy security camera is an economical choices has more to do with effectiveness than it does with finances. A dummy security camera may certainly be an affordable home security option but if is not effective, it will turn out be very costly. A real home security camera will more than pay for itself if it prevents you from losing valuable or irreplaceable pieces of property. A real home security camera not only acts as a burglary deterrent but in the event that the burglars do enter your property, a real security camera can record valuable evidence that might be useful in regaining your property.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is CCTV Video Equipment useful?

. Saturday, July 25, 2009

CCTV Video Equipment (other wise known as Closed Circuit Television) has been used for the purpose of security surveillance for many years. CCTV Video Equipment differs from broadcast TV equipment as that every part is linked by cables or other direct means. Closed Circuit Television is used by security teams most often where there is a high need for extra security measures. Most all banks, airports and many apartment complexes incorporate CCTV Video Equipment into their security programs.

CCTV Video Equipment was originally developed to help strengthen security in banks however lately there has been some debate over privacy issues with the usage of Closed Circuit Television. As technology has advanced CCTV Video Equipment has become quite simple and inexpensive to use making it a popular choice for home security and for use in surveillance by many private investigators.

The United Kingdom worked in developing CCTV Video Equipment systems as a result of terrorist bombings in the 1970's and 1980's. Today in England there are Closed Circuit TV equipment in many bus stations, public areas and apartment buildings. CCTV Video Equipment used in the United Kingdom has shown to have reduced the amount of crime in parking lots and also crimes against taxi drivers.

The usage of CCTV Video Equipment in the United States in much less common then in the United Kingdom as it's use tends to bring strong opposition because of privacy issues.

While some say that the use of CCTV Video Equipment does help to deter crimes from happening, CCTV Video Equipment's most notable use is in the identification and prosecution of the criminals that are perpetrating the crimes.

Closed Circuit TV has aided in the capture and prosecution of notable terrorist bombers and child abductors. Utilizing CCTV Video Equipment to track the whereabouts of abducted children has become quite commonplace with law enforcement agencies today.

CCTV Video Equipment has also helped keep many law enforcement agencies in check. For instance Closed Circuit TV aided an dismissing some of the claims made by British police when Jean Charles de Menezes, who police officials claimed was responsible for bombing a London subway, was shot to death by police officers.

CCTV Video Equipment is also proving to be useful on the roadways of both the United Kingdom and the United States. Closed Circuit Television can be used to monitor areas of possible traffic congestion and detect when an accident happens. They can also be used to identify and apprehend those breaking traffic laws such as speeding.

While there has been some strong opposition against the overuse and misuse of CCTV Video Equipment systems, Closed Circuit TV has proven in many cases to be a very useful tool in assisting with keeping individuals safe and helping to apprehend those who commit crimes against others.

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Is Your Burglar Alarm Accredited?



Due to safety precautions it is mandatory that every alarm installed in your house is registered with FARS. Before the system is placed into service you must check for the following accreditation,
• NSI (National Security Inspectorate)
• NACOSS (National Approval Council for Security Systems)
• ICON (an approval scheme run by NSI)
• SSAIB (Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board)
A non-refundable $30.00 registration fee must be paid with each initial registration. A separate registration must be obtained for each alarm user and/or location. Registrations must be renewed on a biennial (2 year) basis at a cost of $10.00. Failure to renew when required will result in no “free” false alarms and the imposition of an additional $100 charge for every false alarm.

False alarm
The main reason for the burglar alarm to be accredited by the government is because of false alarms. Each year the Oakland Police Department receives more than 30,000 false alarms! On average, each response to alarms involves two police officers and takes up to thirty minutes-costing the City in excess of 1.4 million, annually. This is equal to 14 full-time police officers responding only to false alarms.

The burglar alarm ordinance
• Authorizes permit fees (waived for alarm users age 65 and older)
• Authorizes fines and penalties for defective or misused alarm systems
• Requires alarm companies to play a greater role in how customers use and maintain their alarm systems.

Paying for your permit

What ever type of alarm you use it should be accredited by the government. If you have an alarm system that is functional and is activated, the alarm ordinance requires you to obtain a valid alarm user permit. Please remember, if you do not have a permit and the Police Department is dispatched to your location for a false alarm, you will may be subjected to a $250 fine.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is Your Home Security System Protecting You

. Thursday, July 23, 2009

Home Security Systems

Monitoring your home security system has never been easier but there are several things you need to consider before committing yourself to a long term monitoring agreement with any alarm company.

Alarm companies don’t make the majority of their profit from selling security systems; it comes from accumulating a large base of alarm-monitoring contracts. If fact, these monitoring contracts are so profitable that they are frequently bought and sold like mortgage notes.

Tip #1
Ask if they are an authorized alarm dealer or represent a marketing company.
Marketing companies have learned to flood a market with fantastic offers on security systems with the sole purpose of selling the contracts at a profit. They often use any sub-contractor available, which can lead to poor customer service once the marketing company leaves town.

Once you find a reputable alarm company, ask them to come out to your home and give you a quote. You’ll find that most will quote you a basic security system at a reasonable price. These basic security systems generally include a control panel, keypad, motion detector, a couple of door contacts, inside siren, a yard sign and warning decals.

Tip #2
Make sure the equipment can be monitored by any alarm company, not by just the one selling it to you. If they use proprietary security equipment, you could be left in a bind should you become dissatisfied with their service for any reason. Ademco, DSC, & Caddx are well known manufacturers and can be monitored by any one.

Some companies offer a low installation charge of $99.00 or will give you a “FREE” security system. Many do so if you put a security sign in your yard for advertising purposes and commit to a long-term alarm-monitoring contract.

Since the installation charge doesn’t cover the true cost of the equipment and labor, you are charged a substantial monthly fee to recoup their investment. These “deals” or equipment leases aren’t necessarily bad but make it hard to evaluate the true cost to you over time.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kids and Guns

. Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As a firearm instructor, you might not believe how many times I hear from someone that they would like to own a gun, but their spouse will not allow it because they have kids in the house. On a grand scale, I understand and agree with the REASONING behind this feeling. It’s a parent’s job to keep their children safe, and no one wants to bring something into the home that is dangerous to their child.

However, while I agree with wanting to keep children safe from harm, I must disagree with the blanket thought that guns in the home are by themselves inherently dangerous. With proper education, storage, and supervision, firearms are no more dangerous than any other tool. I am not in the habit of making broad demands on how others should act. Generally, I teach options and tell the reasons for using each of those options. I can tell you how I deal with this issue of guns in my home with my child and hopefully give prospective to other parents who question guns in the home.

When I was growing up, my parents were not anti-gun, but they were anti-me-having-a-gun. There were guns in my home. My dad was a law enforcement officer and as such always had at least one handgun in the home. My father subscribed to the “old school” policy on kids and guns. Dad said, “Boy, I’ve got a gun in that closet, and if I ever catch you playing with it, you’ll wish you hadn’t”. Well, being the bright child I was, I figured that meant as long as I applied my gun handling skills I learned on TV to keep me from accidentally firing the gun, and I put it back EXACTLY as I found it, I could pose in the mirror in my gunfighter stance whenever I was alone in the house. Luckily I never fired the pistol into the mirror or myself. As I got older, dad did take me out shooting once or twice. We even went hunting once, but they never let me have my own gun so I always had that curiosity.

I imagine that even if there were no guns in my home and if my parents forbid me to even mention guns, I would find someone to let me see one (It happened just like that with a motorcycle, but since mom still doesn’t know about that, we won’t get into details…). The above two examples are the first two of the three most common attitudes parents that I have spoke with have toward children and guns. I subscribe to the third.

In my house we have a smart and independent 7 year old girl. She thinks for herself and is not afraid to abandon what she has been told, if she thinks she knows better. What I have to do first is keep her from being able to access the firearms if she chooses to disregard my gun rules, This is not foolproof. Kids have an uncanny ability to find what they are looking for. I am sure at some point in her life she will find the gun safe keys.

For the second step, we have taught her the NRA’s Eddie Eagle gun safe rules. This strategy was to teach the child what to do if they find a gun. The rules are simple and effective. Eddie Eagle says if the child sees a gun they should: stop, don’t touch, leave the area, and tell an adult. These rules are particularly important, as over 50% of American households have firearms. If she is visiting a friend’s house, we do not want her to try to tell another child not to play with a gun, as that might cause that child to point the gun at our child in order to tease her. We want her safely away from any unsecured gun, not to act like she is in charge of it.

The last thing we do is take away her curiosity. My wife and I took her to the range, and she watched her momma shoot a pistol. I sat with our child and explained to her about guns and answered all her questions. This did not work too well because even with hearing protection, my child thought the handguns were too loud. She did not want to be around them. We then got her a BB rifle. We let her shoot it when she asks to, but she doesn’t really like it very much. Furthermore we don’t force her, but she knows if she wants to shoot, she can as long as she asks and her mother or I take her.

This works well for us. We keep the guns in a locked safe and the ammo locked in a separate room (this does not include our personal carry firearms; they are kept out of reach but not locked up, as they are considered to always be in use.). We taught our child firearm safety rules, particularly what to do if they encounter a gun outside the home. Lastly, we took away her curiosity by exposing her to firearms and what they can do and allowing her the privilege to own her very own BB rifle that she can use when supervised. As she gets older, we plan on increasing her exposure to firearms, but at this point we think she is only ready for the basics.

As the parent, you are the best judge of what your child is ready for. This is only a guideline for when your child asks about guns for the first time. For us, it was when my wife told me to look out the window, and our little girl was on the porch with a red rubber training pistol in one hand, a rubber training knife in the other, and yelling “Pay attention! I am trying to give you a class!” to the family dog. My wife told me I created a monster. It was pretty cute though and served to reinforce in my mind the responsibilities I have toward being a positive role model. If I am unsafe in my attitude toward guns, I can be sure my kid will take notice.

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Keeping Your Home Secure While On Vacation


Imagine returning from your holiday to find your windows broken, your cars and possessions stolen and your pets gone. Your space has been violated.

Relax it shouldn't be necessary to answer that because with the proper preparation you can discourage intruders and have a carefree vacation.

Worry shouldn't be on the agenda when you are vacationing. Your holiday is a treat that should be enjoyed without stressing about the safety of your home. By planning ahead you minimize your risk of something going wrong while you are gone.

Depending on how long you will be gone there are a few common sense things you can do for your home, pets and possessions.

Discourage thieves by getting a house sitter. This is the best way to ward off trouble. If you know someone who will regularly stop by your house - water your plants and turn on the lights you are lucky. If you have animals you might want to think about hiring a house sitter for while you are away. This way your pets are properly cared for and your home is safer. Peace of mind is worth some extra money. If you are going to hire a house sitter - make sure you use reliable and trustworthy service! Ask around.

If you can't get a house sitter the goal is to make your house look lived in. It's a good idea to have a trusted neighbor to look after your home. Someone who can keep an eye on your property and who has a contact number for you should anything go wrong.

There are all kinds of timers you can buy that make it seem like there are people in your house. Light timers and radio timers can be very effective in deterring criminals.

Think about the state of your lawn before you leave. Overgrown grass is a loud signal that there is nobody home.

If you are going to be gone long enough for your post to pile up make an arrangement with a neighbor to pick it up - a pile of unopened mail is an obvious signal to criminals that nobody is home.

Even if you aren't going away for a long time there are some things that you need to do every time you leave the house.
- Always lock your door and leave a key with someone to check on your home while you are gone.

- Turn on the radio/TV and leave some lights on

- Do not leave your spare key under the doormat or in any of the equally obvious hiding places. Rather give a copy to someone else and don't have a spare key anywhere in your garden while you are home. If you MUST hide your key on the property be creative! That blue rock in the backyard under the tree behind the shed is a better/safer bet.

-Develop a reciprocal relationship with your neighbors. Watch their houses when they are away; keep your eyes and ears open for strange happenings and ask them to do the same for you. Group0 together and form a neighborhood watch of some sort
If you follow these tips you can be sure your chances are good that you will return to a secure house. If something has happened while you were out; here are some signs to look for

- Broken windows or door should be a major alert that something is wrong. Don't go inside! Call the police and have them check the property.

- If you think you have been broken into don't touch anything; you want to keep the scene preserved for investigation.

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Keep Your Home Safe With Covert Hidden Cameras


Do you have a wall phone located in your home or office? Do you also need the protection of covert hidden cameras? Now you can combine the convenience of a wall phone with the security of a covert hidden camera. These great innovations come wired, which allows the phone to be an actual working phone or wireless, which is then a nonfunctional phone, but just a working camera, and since the camera is pointed out the front of the phone, the camera has a solid view of most rooms.

What if you don’t have a wall phone in your room, or don’t particularly want one, there is another way to covertly keep the activities in the room on camera. You can purchase an attractive wall clock that looks great anywhere you place it. It is fully functional as both a camera and a clock and the camera is completely hidden from view. The best part is that if you need this system to be wireless, that isn’t a problem, and they come with an eight channel scroll selectable receiver that allows versatility in your wireless application.

Okay, so you have an industrial plant and you need security but a wall clock or wall telephone will just stick out like a sore thumb. Your solution can be covert hidden cameras located in a utility box. Who pays attention or thinks twice about utility boxes? With one of these weatherproof, easy to install units, you would have a tiny, hidden, pinhole lens camera that would give you crystal clear video for up to a 700 foot range, and the receiver plugs into a VCR or monitor for easy viewing. Before you know it, you’ll know exactly what’s happening on the premises day or night.

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Keep Your Home Safe With Covert Hidden Cameras


Do you have a wall phone located in your home or office? Do you also need the protection of covert hidden cameras? Now you can combine the convenience of a wall phone with the security of a covert hidden camera. These great innovations come wired, which allows the phone to be an actual working phone or wireless, which is then a nonfunctional phone, but just a working camera, and since the camera is pointed out the front of the phone, the camera has a solid view of most rooms.

What if you don’t have a wall phone in your room, or don’t particularly want one, there is another way to covertly keep the activities in the room on camera. You can purchase an attractive wall clock that looks great anywhere you place it. It is fully functional as both a camera and a clock and the camera is completely hidden from view. The best part is that if you need this system to be wireless, that isn’t a problem, and they come with an eight channel scroll selectable receiver that allows versatility in your wireless application.

Okay, so you have an industrial plant and you need security but a wall clock or wall telephone will just stick out like a sore thumb. Your solution can be covert hidden cameras located in a utility box. Who pays attention or thinks twice about utility boxes? With one of these weatherproof, easy to install units, you would have a tiny, hidden, pinhole lens camera that would give you crystal clear video for up to a 700 foot range, and the receiver plugs into a VCR or monitor for easy viewing. Before you know it, you’ll know exactly what’s happening on the premises day or night.

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Keep Your Home Safe With Covert Hidden Cameras


Do you have a wall phone located in your home or office? Do you also need the protection of covert hidden cameras? Now you can combine the convenience of a wall phone with the security of a covert hidden camera. These great innovations come wired, which allows the phone to be an actual working phone or wireless, which is then a nonfunctional phone, but just a working camera, and since the camera is pointed out the front of the phone, the camera has a solid view of most rooms.

What if you don’t have a wall phone in your room, or don’t particularly want one, there is another way to covertly keep the activities in the room on camera. You can purchase an attractive wall clock that looks great anywhere you place it. It is fully functional as both a camera and a clock and the camera is completely hidden from view. The best part is that if you need this system to be wireless, that isn’t a problem, and they come with an eight channel scroll selectable receiver that allows versatility in your wireless application.

Okay, so you have an industrial plant and you need security but a wall clock or wall telephone will just stick out like a sore thumb. Your solution can be covert hidden cameras located in a utility box. Who pays attention or thinks twice about utility boxes? With one of these weatherproof, easy to install units, you would have a tiny, hidden, pinhole lens camera that would give you crystal clear video for up to a 700 foot range, and the receiver plugs into a VCR or monitor for easy viewing. Before you know it, you’ll know exactly what’s happening on the premises day or night.

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Keep Your Home Safe From Electrical Hazards


Your home is a safe haven from the world, a place to relax and unwind with family and friends. Unfortunately, hidden dangers may be lurking behind the walls that threaten your safety and that of your loved ones. That's why it's a good time to find out just how safe your home is from electrical hazards.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there's plenty of reason for concern: Nearly 32,000 fires in the home were caused by faulty house wiring or damaged wiring devices each year between 1999 and 2002. However, there is something you can do to safeguard your home from dangerous electrical hazards. The Leviton Institute recommends that with May being National Electrical Safety Month, homeowners conduct an inspection of their home and outdoor areas as part of their regular spring-cleaning projects.

First, make sure pool pumps, hot tubs and outdoor appliances that require electricity are plugged into GFCI-protected outlets with weatherproof covers. Ground fault circuit interruptors safeguard you and your loved ones from dangerous electrical shock. GFCIs detect when current is leaking from an electrical circuit to ground and automatically shut off the power at the receptacle. They have saved thousands of lives since their introduction in 1972. When choosing a GFCI, it's important to ensure the device is stamped with the UL logo.

In addition, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, or any other place around the house that has a water source within six feet of the receptacle needs GFCI protection. Check all outlets and switches for cracks, broken parts or loose-fitting plugs. Replace defective devices immediately, as well as those that feel hot to the touch. You should also inspect all power cords and extension cords: Those showing signs of cracking, fraying or obvious wear should be replaced immediately. Never run extensions under rugs, carpets or furniture where damage can hide.

Make sure outlets are not overloaded. Most household outlets are typically rated around 15-20 amps. Plugging too many appliances into one outlet can exceed that rating and create a fire or shock hazard.

When you use an extension cord, always plug the appliance into the extension cord first before plugging the extension cord into the outlet.

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