Many older Americans are taking steps to help secure their personal safety and security, especially as they balance the desire for independence with the challenges of declining health.
The good news is that crime rates affecting older Americans are actually lower than they may seem. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that the number of violent crimes has decreased during the last decade.
The even better news is that, by taking a few simple safety precautions, seniors can reduce their risk and increase their sense of security in their daily lives.
Check door locks. Replace any nonfunctioning or poorly installed locks. Make sure that your garage is equipped with a sturdy lock as well.
Install exterior lighting. A well-lit home can deter nighttime break-ins.
Make your house look occupied. When you're out of town, use light timers to mimic your normal routine. Cancel newspaper and mail delivery, so that papers don't pile up outside.
Know your neighbors. Keep neighbors' phone numbers near your phone with emergency information. Inform neighbors of your travel plans and any scheduled deliveries or home maintenance appointments.
Install an alarm. Security companies offer a wide range of alarm options, including systems that provide medical alert services.
Stay safe on the street. Always walk in well-lit areas. Ask a friend to accompany you or tell someone where you're going.
Neighborhood involvement is another key to deterring crime on a street or block. Seniors who want to protect their homes and help raise awareness in the community can join neighborhood watch groups.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Seniors Take Action To Ensure Personal Security
Labels: Seniors Take Action To Ensure Personal SecuritySunday, July 5, 2009
Signs of Hidden Covert Cameras
Labels: 007 spy factory, security, surveillance productsConvenience stores seem to be one of the most vulnerable places for a robbery, especially all night convenience stores. The need for hidden covert cameras is not only great but a virtual must. Sure the cameras in the ceiling may be good for catching the action during a robbery, but often times, the view of the person’s face isn’t always the greatest. But if you have hidden covert cameras up front and personal, like the one that comes hidden inside a “We ID” counter sign, you are sure to get a great portrait picture of the would be thief that will help police and prosecutors send him packing off to jail in no time at all. They also work just fine for banks and packaging stores. If someone is cashing a stolen check at a bank or planning on holding it up, they will leave a nice up close and personal picture of themselves and never even know it.
Would you like another way to secretly get a shot of those would be thieves as they are leaving your place of business? What better place to hide hidden covert cameras than in the non-threatening, ever present, totally ignored exit sign. Anyone coming into or going out of your place of business has to pass by it. Exit signs are so common place that unless you are specifically looking for one, you don’t pay any attention to their presence, and even if you are looking for one, you certainly would not think that there are covert hidden cameras hidden inside of them. The exit sign hidden covert cameras come in your choice of black and white or full, living color.
Simple Tips For Preventing Break-Ins At Your Home
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You've lived here for years. You've never had any trouble. But one otherwise quiet night, you hear a strange noise. It sounds like the jiggling of a doorknob. Is someone breaking into your house? Are the kids still in bed? Where did you leave the phone? It's three o'clock in the morning, and there is no one around to help. With no home alarm system, your mind starts racing a million miles a second trying to think of ways to keep your family safe and - at the same time - work out an escape route.
This is a situation all too many people find themselves in every year. The middle of a potentially life-threatening emergency with no security alarm system is no time to discover you need additional help. The best time to work those things through is right now when all is well. There are some simple ideas you can put into place right now that can help prevent break-ins at your home. Even if you have a home alarm system, these tips go a long way to give added safety.
Leave the Outside Lights On Every Night
Most people never turn on the outside lights unless they are leaving. While they believe turning outdoor lights on when they leave is a safety measure, they are only partially correct. Why? Because if the only time you turn the outdoor lights on is when you leave, you're sending a glaring signal to burglars that says, "Hey! I've gone out for several hours tonight so help yourself. I'll turn the lights off when I get back so you and your buddies will know not to come around."
Turn your porch lights and other outdoor lights on *every* night, whether you're leaving your home or not. This way, you accomplish two things. First, you shed light on dark areas that might otherwise help to camouflage burglars. Second, you take away the signal burglars are waiting to see that tells them you're away from home. Alarm systems are fabulous for helping in times of emergency, but prevention is still the number-one cure for break-ins.
Un-Clutter Windows and Doorways
When you give burglars plenty of cover, they will likely take advantage of it. Tall bushes and shrubs that fully or partially cover windows make great hiding places. Burglars can easily squat behind a bush as they work on prying open a window for entry. Likewise, tall topiaries, statues or other objects that offer cover to burglars should be removed from around your doorways. Don't provide anything that would give a robber a hiding place.
Make It Too Much Trouble
Most burglars are looking for an easy score. If they think entry will be too difficult or that there is a high risk of being caught (as is the case with security alarm systems), they will probably move on to another house. If you currently have a home alarm system, place the signs and window stickers in prominent places where they can be readily seen. This practice is frequently recommended by police departments because of its effectiveness. Motion detector lights are also good deterrents. Security pins for sliding doors and windows would definitely be too much trouble for your average burglar to fuss with. In addition, double-paned windows are extra trouble to break (and extra noisy!) giving burglars yet another reason to look elsewhere for a victim.
Another good idea is to survey your home and think like a burglar. If you were trying to break into your own house, how would you do it? What would you need to be successful? If you find easy ways to break into your home, chances are a burglar will, too. Make notes as you walk around your house and then take immediate action to stop trouble before it starts.
Stop Information Leaks with Bug Detectors
Whether we like it or not, spy technology is here to stay. Even if you aren’t the type of person who wants or needs to use such technology in your every day life, you may find that you need to protect yourself from being spied upon. Just as there are various ways to listen, record or video tape someone secretly, there are numerous ways to detect those same devices. These bug detectors are capable of finding not only the various types of bugs, but they are also capable of finding them regardless of where they might be hidden.
Some bug detectors can sweep a room or person and tell you immediately if they are bugged, regardless if the device is hard wired, radiating or just sitting there not even turned on yet. These bug detectors range in size and are anywhere from the size of a suitcase, to a hand held portable, to as small as a ball point pen, which, with a push of a button can detect hidden cameras and even wire taps. Bug detectors also can be cleverly disguised to resemble something as ordinary as a smoke detector that alerts you to the presence of radio transmitters, regardless if they were secretly placed in your home or office or if they are carried onto your premises.
Regardless of your needs, you can assure yourself and your customers of total and complete privacy when you when you use one of the many types available on the market today.
Surveillance Equipment – The Assurance Of Security
Surveillance equipment usually reminds one of “007” but with the recent rise in crime rates it is more a necessity than just spy equipment. The surveillance equipment allows you to keep a watch even when you are not physically present at the scene. These are used to monitor the behavior of people (like stealing, harassing etc.) or procedures that do not act desirably. These appliances are thus concealed and obvious.
Since there is always a chance of improper activity in places like shopping malls, public schools, warehouses, parking garages, airport terminals and offices, these places are the ones mostly investing on surveillance equipments. A wide variety of such equipments are available in the market with highly developed technology.
Surveillance equipment mostly combines audio and video data transfer and may range from Internet based equipment and wiretapping phone to biometrics (advanced facial aspect identification computer software).
The recent development of 'wireless' technology has its own set of problems. The wireless devices transmit information either by radio waves or infrared light, which can be intercepted. Therefore, such devices are not reliable regarding the transfer of important information.
Surveillance equipment is used to record conversation or acts, but these are possible also on a normal recording machine. Some options are:
• Clandestine miniature devices linked to a small microphone, externally mounted to pick up the audio.
• Digital gadgets like minidisk recorders or the most recent diminutive camcorders are small enough to be carried easily, but produce very high quality recordings.
• The common ones encountered at offices for monitoring staff are usually perched from a ceiling.
• The most advanced ultra-directional microphones, or parabolic microphones can be used to overhear conversations from a hundred meters away or more.
• Extreme clarity is possible only via a laser microphone, which are again, expensive and highly technical to operate.
• Since mobile phones nowadays can record both audio and video, therefore they can be used as surveillance equipments as well.
Surveillance equipments normally emit radio waves, however the more sophisticated ones are not dependant on Radio Waves and are extremely hard to detect. The only way to detect them is by using sensitive gear to seek out magnetic fields, or the common electrical 'noise'. Another way would be to use sensitive infrared cameras for identifying waste heat of a Surveillance equipment.
Gone are the days of the private eye, now you can get information yourself via these fascinating surveillance equipments. Finally, the best benefit these devices afford is that they are successful in doing away with the incentive to commit crime. Since a person’s inclination to commit crime is decreased once he/she is aware that someone is there to keep an eye on him/her.
Surveillance for the homeowner
So you’ve paid off the loan, and the mortgage, done the renovations, the paperwork and now your home is finally your own house. You can’t help feeling, however, that you aren’t quite ready to sit back and rest easy. What if someone breaks into your house, damages and steals your property? What can you do to safeguard your space against burglary?
For a medium or large residence, surveillance just might be a good idea. Before you start picturing Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez in Stakeout, let’s define our terms.
Surveillance is, quite simply, the process of monitoring people, objects or processes for conformity to certain expected norms. More specifically, it consists of monitoring for deviations from safe, non-threatening behaviour. It may or may not interest you to know that, in French, the word means ‘watching over’.
Surveillance includes any form of observation from afar by means of technological devices. This refers to phone tapping, directional microphones, bugs, subminiature cameras, closed-circuit television or CCTV, GPS tracking, airborne or satellite reconnaissance as well as computer and internet surveillance.
CCTV is perhaps the most relevant device for you, as a homeowner, so let’s look at it in some more detail.
CCTV consists of a camera, or cameras, linked up for the purpose of surveillance. The cameras are all directly liked and viewable through monitor screens. CCTV was first pressed into service to help watch against bank robbers, but the applications have increased to the point where the technology is easy to use, and relatively affordable enough to be used in home security set-ups.
CCTV is supposed to aid in crime fighting in two ways –deterrence and detection.
It’s assumed that the presence of clearly visible cameras in an particular location would serve to scare of would-be thieves. But the criminal mentality is notoriously hard to fathom, and this isn’t always the case. Interestingly though, CCTV systems do seem to be most effective as safeguards against car theft. Still, it’s worth assuming that the presence of a CCTV system should put off a fair number of would-be burglars.
CCTV has made a remarkable difference to crime detection, that’s for sure. Several prominent murder cases worldwide were solved with the aid of CCTV footage, and CCTV has also been useful in locating missing persons and runaways. Look at it this way – if it comes to the worst, and your house is burglarised, CCTV footage can provide crucial clues to the police and help in capturing the criminals and recovering your belongings.
CCTV technology has developed to the point where you can use wireless or USB still cameras to take high-resolution pictures at intervals. You can either program the cameras to take pictures on a time-lapse basis or to be triggered by unexpected motion. The quality of these images is superior to other surveillance cameras, and provides investigators with a wealth of useful detail. Models like Canon’s S2iS, Nikon’s P1 or Kodak’s Easyshare One are all affordable and reliable options. You can easily download these images onto your PC and share them with the authorities, all in a matter of seconds.
This is in fact the best option for you as a homeowner. Traditional CCTV is more adept at providing a flow of images to be constantly monitored by security personnel, while this new technique, dubbed Closed Circuit Digital Photography (CCDP) does not require around-the-clock observation, and produces high-quality images that can be used in the event of a burglary. As in the case of CCTV, it is worth considering that the presence of a surveillance system will itself serve as some amount of deterrent, if clearly indicated.
Used in conjunction with motion sensors, as well as anti-burglary devices such as alarms, high fences, trap wires and the like CCDP can form the basis for an effective and reliable home surveillance system. One that lets you finally kick back and relax in the comfort and security of your own home!
Terrorist Terrorism and Terrorized
As we sit glued to the television set listening to all the gory details of yet another terrorist attack leaves us all in a state of shock. We all feel sad. We all feel that enough is enough. We all listen to how much the death toll is rising into the hundreds. We all wait in anticipation to hear of any survivors, then after a few days. We all forget
I recall years ago when the seat belt was introduced and how it was drummed into us each and every day, clunk click every trip. The nation was brainwashed into abiding by the new law imposed that was to save so many lives. Well I say make a stand and bring back brainwashing in the form of terrorist awareness, it may cause a lot of paranoia amongst a great many but it may also save a lot of misery suffering pain and most importantly lives.
Terrorists are like actors where they are well rehearsed in their role to kill. Drama classes pay off for terrorists in their preparation for slaughter.
A Massacre murderer is well trained to keep his or her composure and not to look suspicious. The question is how we can help the system in the fight against terrorism.
What signs do we have to look for to sniff out a walking time bomb, especially when these murderers have re enacted the role over and over again in portraying the look of innocence?
I am not sure if there are any signs to look out for where a professional is concerned, but we can help by being more observant
This can be done by being more aware of how serious terrorism really is, the next time you go shopping or take the tube to work or when taking the kiddies to school, watch what the person next to you is doing
If traveling on a bus even high in the sky make a little note of what your fellow passenger is wearing. Make an image diary in your head of what they look like, note little tell tale signs as in i.e. tattoos scars jewelry whatever. Take in enough information on that person so that should any circumstances arise on that day where police are involved and are looking for information, you may hold the key to conviction.
But remember not all suspicious looking characters are guilty and there are times you may well get paranoid by the person next to you. Do not panic keep calm then go and speak with someone if you feel there is need for concern.
I know this approach can cause paranoia among a lot of people but it also may save lives. CCTV can not do all the work alone
The Basics of Hazmat Incident Management
Whether at home or work, there is a chance you could be impacted by a hazardous materials incident (such as a chemical spill, train derailment, or industrial explosion). It is important that you think ahead and know what to do to ensure safety. If you are at work, chances are your employer will have a detailed emergency action plan and information for you to follow. But, if you are not at work - or even if you are, the more you know, the better - it is vital you are educated on what to do in such an emergency.
Many communities have Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) whose responsibilities include collecting information about hazardous materials in the community and making this information available to the public upon request. The LEPCs also are tasked with developing an emergency plan to prepare for and respond to chemical emergencies in the community. Ways the public will be notified and actions the public must take in the event of a release are part of the plan.
Contact the LEPCs to find out more about chemical hazards and what needs to be done to minimize the risk to individuals and the community from these materials. Your local emergency management office can provide contact information on the LEPCs.
You should add the following supplies to your disaster kit:
- Plastic sheeting
- Duct tape
- Scissors
During an incident:
Listen to local radio or television stations for detailed information and instructions. Follow the instructions carefully. You should stay away from the area to minimize the risk of contamination. Remember that some toxic chemicals are odorless.
If you are asked to evacuate:
- Do so immediately.
- Stay tuned to a radio or television for information on evacuation routes, temporary shelters, and procedures.
- Follow the routes recommended by the authorities - shortcuts may not be safe. Leave at once.
- If you have time, minimize contamination in the house by closing all windows, shutting all vents, and turning off attic fans.
- Take pre-assembled disaster supplies.
- Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance - infants, elderly people, and people with disabilities.
If you are caught outside:
- Stay upstream, uphill, and upwind! In general, try to go at least one-half mile (usually 8-10 city blocks) from the danger area. Move away from the accident scene and help keep others away.
- Do not walk into or touch any spilled liquids, airborne mists, or condensed solid chemical deposits. Try not to inhale gases, fumes, and smoke. If possible, cover mouth with a cloth while leaving the area.
- Stay away from accident victims until the hazardous material has been identified.
If you are in a motor vehicle - Stop and seek shelter in a permanent building. If you must remain in your car, keep car windows and vents closed and shut off the air conditioner and heater.
If you are requested to stay indoors - Bring pets inside.
- Close and lock all exterior doors and windows. Close all vents, fireplace dampers, and as many interior doors as possible.
- Turn off air conditioners and ventilation systems. In large buildings, set ventilation systems to 100 percent re-circulation so that no outside air is drawn into the building. If this is not possible, ventilation systems should be turned off.
- Go into the pre-selected shelter room. This room should be above ground and have the fewest openings to the outside.
- Seal gaps under doorways and windows with wet towels or plastic sheeting and duct tape.
- Seal gaps around window and air conditioning units, bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans, and stove and dryer vents with duct tape and plastic sheeting, wax paper, or aluminum wrap.
- Use material to fill cracks and holes in the room, such as those around pipes.
- If gas or vapors could have entered the building, take shallow breaths through a cloth or a towel. Avoid eating or drinking any food or water that may be contaminated.
After an incident - Return home only when authorities say it is safe. Open windows and vents and turn on fans to provide ventilation.
- Act quickly if you have come in contact with or have been exposed to hazardous chemicals.
Do the following after being exposed to hazardous chemicals:
- Follow decontamination instructions from local authorities. You may be advised to take a thorough shower, or you may be advised to stay away from water and follow another procedure.
- Seek medical treatment for unusual symptoms as soon as possible.
Place exposed clothing and shoes in tightly sealed containers. Do not allow them to contact other materials. Call local authorities to find out about proper disposal. - Advise everyone who comes in contact with you that you may have been exposed to a toxic substance.
- Find out from local authorities how to clean up your land and property.
- Report any lingering vapors or other hazards to your local emergency services office.
The Basics of Home Security
Every homeowner needs to be active and aware of their home security concerns. With home invasions and break-ins on the rise, it is time to take some steps towards protecting your family and your valuable belongings. It would surprise most people to realize how simple it is for a burglar to break into their home. By following these simple steps, you can reduce the odds of coming home to discover your home has been broken into and your cherished valuables have been taken.
For a burglar, the three greatest enemies are noise, time, and light. If a burglar must make a lot of noise, take a lot of time, and work in a well-lit area to get into your home, chances are that he will not bother. In most cases, he will move onto an easier "mark". These are things that work in the favor of homeowners. I always tell my clients that, in order to defeat the burglar, one must think like the burglar.
Take some time and "case" the exterior of your home for points of entry. Imagine yourself as a burglar. Where would you try to get in? Where are the security weaknesses? You could even conduct a little experiment, by locking your home and trying to break in. If you, honest citizen, can break into your home with relative ease you can be sure it will be no problem for an experienced thief to gain entry.
Doors and windows are the first places to check when assessing the security of a home or business. Make sure that your home is equipped with a hard wood or metal exterior door, that is at minimum 1 ¾" thick. The doorframe should be equally as strong. A peephole is much better than a simple door chain, as it will allow you to identify the person at your door without having to open it. And if there is one thing you spend a bit of money on, be sure it is a good quality deadbolt!
Windows are also extremely vulnerable, from a security standpoint. If you have an older home with double-hung windows, you can secure them by nailing the upper and lower panes together from the inside. As well, simple key locks can be added to windows for a reasonable price. If you have windows that are located at street level, consider adding an iron grate or grille for added protection. Balconies and fire escapes can also be security weaknesses, so consider purchasing one of those metal "accordion" gates.
There are a few other simple precautions you can take to secure your home. Try to establish a routine to ensure that your doors and windows are locked when you leave the house and when you go to bed each night. If you can afford it, you should also invest in a home security system. There are some incredibly advanced systems available on the market today, and these systems are very difficult to bypass. These simple steps could make the difference between being a victim of crime and being safe from harm. Think about it!
The Combination Lock
A combination lock is a type of lock in which a sequence of numbers or symbols is used to open the lock. The sequence is usually a specific permutation rather than a true combination. The sequence may be entered using a single rotating dial which interacts with several discs or cams, or by using a set of several rotating discs with inscribed numerals which directly interact with the locking mechanism.
Multiple-dial locks
One of the simplest types of combination lock, often used in low-security situations is the bicycle lock, which uses several rotating discs with notches cut into them. The lock is secured by a pin with several teeth on it which hook into the rotating discs. When the notches in the discs align with the teeth on the pin, the lock can be opened. This lock is considered to be one of the least secure types of combination lock.
Opening a multiple-dial lock without the combination depends on the slight irregularities in the machining of the parts. Unless the lock is machined precisely, when the pin is pulled outward, one of the teeth will pull more strongly than the others on its corresponding disc. This disc is then rotated until a slight click is heard, indicating that the tooth has settled into the notch. The procedure is repeated for the remaining discs, resulting in an open lock, and a correct combination, in very little time.
Single-dial locks
Combination locks found on padlocks or safes may use a single dial which interacts with several parallel discs or cams. Customarily, a lock of this type is opened by rotating the dial clockwise to the first numeral, counterclockwise to the second, and so on in an alternating fashion until the last numeral is reached. The cams typically have an indentation or notch, and when the correct combination is entered, the notches align, allowing the latch to fit into them and open the lock.
Combination locks of this type are generally more secure than the multiple-dial lock, but some of them do have weaknesses. For example, early combination padlocks made by Master lock could be cracked by pulling on the shackle of the lock and turning the dial until it stopped; each numeral in the combination could be revealed in this manner.
More recent models of Master padlock with a 40-position dial have a mechanical weakness that can give away the last numeral in the combination, and the first two numerals have a mathematical relationship with the last number. This weakness reduces the number of possible combinations from 64,000 to a mere 100, which can be tried in a relatively short amount of time.
Inexpensive padlocks are often susceptible to the use of a padlock shim, which can be used to release the shackle without entering a combination.
Other designs
Many doors use combination locks which require the user to enter a numeric sequence on a keypad to facilitate entry. These special locks usually require the additional use of electronic circuitry.
The main advantage of this system is that if used for the door of a large office, each employee can be told the code number without having to supply a key to each person.
The disadvantage however, is if the code number is discovered by someone out site the desired group or is not changed regularly, it could allow easy access to a potential intruder.
The Easy Method of Recovering your Sentry Safe Combination
The messages seem abundant in some forums, "I bought a business and it came with a Sentry Safe that is locked", or "I bought a used Sentry Safe at a garage sale," of course these statements are followed by some begging for someone to send the writer the combination to their safe.
I do not think there are any great number of people out in "forumlandia" that can take your Sentry Safe serial number and tell you the combination. Not only that, I certainly hope there are not a lot of people with a complete combination list!
It is really beyond me why people do not direct these inquires to place they purchased the safe, or to the Sentry Safe Company themselves! Maybe it is because they are hoping for the information for free, as Sentry requires a small payment and some paperwork.
Now before we get into the nitty gritty of how you can get help from Sentry, we might examine some other methods of opening your safe when your combination is lost.
My personal favorite is of course dynamite. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend the use of dynamite, however quick, it will likely cause you a lot of trouble, damage the contents of your safe and cause severe bodily harm to you and others.
Picking the lock would be a close second and good punishment for you forgetting the combination or buying a used safe without a combination; what were you thinking? Maybe a psychic can help you and confirm or deny your belief in them at the same time! Of course you could just sell the safe at a garage sale and let someone else worry about the combination!
You can also call a local locksmith, but I suspect it will cost more than following the simple instructions from Sentry. If you want to get the lost combination for free, I suggest you start trying all the possible combinations! Good luck!
Ok, we can be serious for a moment and this is all you need to get your lost combination from the Sentry Safe Company and avoid the mystery of psychics and the danger of dynamite.
Here are the easy instructions from Sentry: First step, find the Model and Serial Number of your safe.
The Serial Number is in this packet, and is also printed on the small label beside the door hinge (outside). Send a copy of the model number and serial number of the safe, a notarized letter (last name of notary must be different than that of owner) stating you are the owner of the safe, and a check or money order for $12.00* (U.S. funds) to:
Sentry Group, Dept. 200,
882 Linden Avenue,
Rochester, NY 14625-2784 USA.
If using a credit card (Visa/Mastercard only), call 1-800-828-1438
and fax your Model and Serial number with the notarized letter
to 585-381-2940.
Next time make sure you record the combination and store it in a secure place such as a safety deposit box at your bank. Opening your safe could be a lot more fun, but never more simple!
The First Line of Defense: Knowing the Facts About Home Security
Sometimes the simplest steps are the smartest! By placing a sign that advertises your home security system in your yard, you can dramatically reduce your chances of being targeted by thieves.
In a study published in the Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, Dr. Yochanan Shachmurove, Dr. Gideon Fishman and Dr. Simon Hakim studied the motivating factors behind a burglar's decision to rob one home over another. Their findings indicated that isolation and occupancy were the two major considerations.
The study indicated that while you are reclining in your lazy chair and flipping through 100 channels of Cable TV (and still finding nothing to watch) you can rest easy. Ok, the study did not read quite that way – but it does tell us that burglars rarely target homes with occupants in residence.
Homes that are more frequently targeted tend to be secluded or isolated. Keep in mind that this definition encompasses homes with an entrance that is not visible from the street, due to foliage or other visual obstructions. The ideal 'pigeon' for a thief is an expensive home that is detached with no security measures and is located less than a mile from a major highway or road.
The study also revealed that the third most important factor is highly visible security measures. Deadbolt locks can't be seen so they did not deter burglars. However, advertising the fact that your home is protected by a security system was a major deterrent. The professors found that if a house is protected by an alarm system, the chances of a burglar's choosing it are virtually zero. Those are pretty great odds!
In the study's conclusion, the professors determined that homes without security systems were 3.5 times more likely to be burglarized than those with protection. If a thief does victimize a home with a security system, they spend far less time in the house during the robbery and therefore remove fewer pieces of property.
This research and similar studies have led insurance companies, such as State Farm, to advise their clients to install home security systems. In fact, many times homeowners with alarm systems will receive an incentive in premiums. The National Crime Prevention Council in Washington, D.C. has also endorsed security systems as a deterrent to crime.
A home security system can range in cost from less than fifty dollars to upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. Sometimes you can actually get a system for free, when you sign a contract with a monitoring company. You can also opt for a wireless system, which is quite easy to install. In fact, these systems typically fall under the "do it yourself" category. But before you decide to tackle that particular project, you need to be armed with a working knowledge of all your security system options. No pun intended!
First, there are two basic types of systems. One option sounds an alarm and turns on various lights throughout the home. The other offers those features, but is also connected to a monitoring company twenty-four hours a day. With this system, an employee at the monitoring company automatically calls the police for you, when the alarm is tripped. These systems not only protect against intruders, but can also be hooked up to fire alarms and carbon monoxide protectors.
You may also want to consider a system that provides you with the option to place "panic buttons" throughout your home. These are particularly valuable, for those with a medically fragile family member.
The most expensive systems have surveillance cameras placed at checkpoints throughout your property. You can actually monitor your home yourself from any location, by connecting to a closed circuit program on your laptop.
Detectors can be found not only on doors and windows, but also underneath rugs and in every room in the house. When a detector is tripped, the homeowner checks his control panel to see exactly where the disturbance is occurring.
If there is no danger, the homeowner can opt to cancel the phone call to the monitoring company, or shut down the alarm by entering a pass code on the control center. To avoid sending false alarms, family members should be taught how to use the password system. If the system is not halted, the monitoring company phones the police and they are dispatched to your home.
Now how do you translate all this information into practical applications, when it comes to actually keeping your home from being burglarized? Let's summarize:
- Put a sign up in your front yard advertising your system. Decals on the windows are not as effective.
- Buy a system that sounds an alarm.
- Invest in a system that provides protection against fire and carbon monoxide. One smoke detector in your kitchen is not as effective as a series of smoke and heat detectors placed strategically throughout your home. If your house catches fire when you are not at home, your monitoring company alerts the police immediately.
- Monitoring companies are very valuable in emergencies, but you will also need to educate family members and household guests to maximize the benefits of your system.
- If your house is secluded or in the country, your best defense is a system connected to a monitoring company. A sounding alarm may not offer enough protection.
- Burglars may cut the outside telephone wires before they enter a house. If you don't have a cell phone, you won't be able to call the police and your system won't be able to call the monitoring company. So consider adding a second phone line.
- Cut any foliage hiding doors and windows. Burglars deliberately pick houses that they can enter without detection from the street.
- Join a Neighborhood Watch group or start one yourself.